???????? ??????????Stability of the distal phalanx fracture - A biomechanical study on theimportanceof the nail and the inf l uence of f i xation by crossing kirschner wiresWei Wang, Jia Yu, Cun-yi Fan, Shen LiuPII: S0268-0033(16)30099-7DOI: doi: 10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2016.07.001Reference: JCLB 4188To appear in: Clinical BiomechanicsReceived date: 14 December 2015Accepted date: 5 July 2016Please cite this article as: Wang, Wei, Yu, Jia, Fan, Cun-yi, Liu, Shen, Stability ofthe distal phalanx fracture - A bio...
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